Presidents Message

President's Message

Good day fellow BCS members,

Warm greetings from BCS executive committee!
It is with great pleasure that I accept the responsibility of being the President of
our esteemed organization and request all the past Presidents and team
members, and all BCS members to extend their support for enhancing further
the glory of BCS.

I would like to thank the last year’s BCS team for their fantastic performance all
throughout the year, which included diverse cultural events including the
exciting quiz programme. The team has lived up to the slogan “The Show Must
Go On” and deserves a big round of applause.

The BCS membership count has had a steady growth over the years but the
unexpected period of global pandemic resulted in a major decline. The
committee of the time took all efforts to keep the members engaged through
unique virtual activities and the momentum high.

The truth is that, we are currently an association with just over a hundred active
members, as per the subscription list. The reasons may be various, like:
1. Old members have left Kuwait for good
2. Members not renewing their subscription
3. New members not effectively inducted to the association.
We, as BCS Executive Committee, urge all members to use their individual
relations to bring back the members who have not renewed and also induct new
members so that our membership base is back to its previous levels. We, the
committee, will do our best to organise all the events successfully and restore
BCS to the its glory.

I, as your new president, along with my executive team urge all members to
participate whole-heartedly in all activities.

With best wishes
Parthasarathi Bardhan
BCS Executive Committee.
Phone : +965 6680 8789
E-mail :